Benchmark ValueTask<T> vs Task<T>

ValueTask<T> 伴隨著 C# 7.0 推出一陣時間了,但因為抽換掉 Task<T> 不一定有幫助,有時甚至會降低效能。因此大多數人的建議都是: Benchmark 比較再說。

the default choice for any asynchronous method should be to return a Task or Task<TResult>. Only if performance analysis proves it worthwhile should a ValueTask<TResult> be used instead of Task<TResult>.

照著這篇文章的思路,藉此驗證一下實際案例中替換成 ValueTask<T> 能否帶來成效。


public sealed class CacheManager
	// one day into the future
	private static TimeSpan DefaultTimeSpan = new TimeSpan((long)24 * 60 * 60 * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond);

	private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, Tuple<DateTime, object>> _objectByString =
		new ConcurrentDictionary<string, Tuple<DateTime, object>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

	public void Clear()

	public Task<T> GetOrCreateObjectAsync<T>(object cacheKey, TimeSpan? expiresIn, Func<Task<T>> getFunc)
		var key = cacheKey.ToString();

		if (_objectByString.TryGetValue(key, out var tuple) && tuple.Item1 >= DateTime.UtcNow)
      // cache hit
			return Task.FromResult((T)tuple.Item2);

    // cache miss
		return CreateAndCacheAsync(key, expiresIn, getFunc);

		async Task<T> CreateAndCacheAsync(string stringKey, TimeSpan? expires, Func<Task<T>> getter)

			var val = await getter();
			var expirationTime = expires == TimeSpan.MaxValue
				? DateTime.MaxValue
				: DateTime.UtcNow.Add(expires ?? DefaultTimeSpan);
			var tuple2 = Tuple.Create(expirationTime, (object)val);
			_objectByString.AddOrUpdate(stringKey, tuple2, (k, v) => tuple2);
			return val;


int cacheKey = 0;
var cachedValue = _cacheManager.GetOrCreateObjectAsync(cacheKey, TimeSpan.MaxValue, 
  () => FetchDataAsync(cacheKey));


  1. stringKey 參數型別是 object,如果用戶端想要用單純的 value type(例如: int)當作 key,就會產生額外的裝箱(boxing)操作。
  2. 匿名委派要使用的區域變數 cacheKey 會被當作捕獲變量(captured variable)而產生匿名物件。

為了消除這些 heap allocate 我們改成

// WithoutCapturedVariable
public Task<T> GetOrCreateObjectV2Async<TKey, T>(TKey cacheKey, TimeSpan? expiresIn, Func<TKey, Task<T>> getFunc)
	var key = cacheKey.ToString();


	async Task<T> CreateAndCacheAsync(string stringKey, TKey rawkey, TimeSpan? expires, Func<TKey, Task<T>> getter)
		var val = await getter(rawkey);
		return val;


Method Mean Error StdDev Gen 0 Allocated
GetOrCreateObjectAsync 175.0 ns 0.8471 ns 0.7073 ns 0.0710 224 B
WithoutCapturedVariable 163.4 ns 0.3946 ns 0.3691 ns 0.0558 176 B


Method Mean Error StdDev Gen 0 Allocated
WithoutCapturedVariable 163.4 ns 0.3946 ns 0.3691 ns 0.0558 176 B
WithoutCapturedVariable_CacheDelegate 156.0 ns 0.2541 ns 0.1984 ns 0.0355 112 B

接下來我們來試看看用 ValueTask<T> 取代 Task<T>,完整的benchmark結果如下:

Cache Miss

Method Mean Error StdDev Gen 0 Allocated
GetOrCreateObjectAsync 173.4 ns 0.4277 ns 0.3791 ns 0.0710 224 B
WithoutCapturedVariable 164.8 ns 0.3074 ns 0.2725 ns 0.0558 176 B
WithoutCapturedVariable_CacheDelegate 154.2 ns 0.5140 ns 0.4292 ns 0.0355 112 B
ValueTask_GetOrCreateObjectAsync 170.5 ns 0.4437 ns 0.4151 ns 0.0381 120 B
ValueTask_WithoutCapturedVariable 168.0 ns 0.4448 ns 0.4161 ns 0.0305 96 B
ValueTask_WithoutCapturedVariable_CacheDelegate 158.7 ns 0.3101 ns 0.2749 ns 0.0100 32 B

Cache Hit

Method Mean Error StdDev Gen 0 Allocated
GetOrCreateObjectAsync 173.4 ns 0.3568 ns 0.3338 ns 0.0710 224 B
WithoutCapturedVariable 162.4 ns 0.4580 ns 0.4060 ns 0.0558 176 B
WithoutCapturedVariable_CacheDelegate 154.5 ns 0.2841 ns 0.2658 ns 0.0355 112 B
ValueTask_GetOrCreateObjectAsync 169.8 ns 0.3438 ns 0.3048 ns 0.0379 120 B
ValueTask_WithoutCapturedVariable 166.6 ns 0.2539 ns 0.2251 ns 0.0303 96 B
ValueTask_WithoutCapturedVariable_CacheDelegate 156.8 ns 0.2152 ns 0.1797 ns 0.0100 32 B

結果顯示:雖然 ValueTask 沒有比較快,但差距幾乎可以忽略,就看 Memory 與 GC 成本的優化值不值得了。
